Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Leib Tropper History

Rabbi Leib Tropper's Grandfather,the genius of Vabolnik and The Rabbi of Holyoke, Massachusetts

Rabbi Leib Forer, ob'm the grandfather of Rabbi Leib Tropper was AKA the Genius of Vabolnik, Lithuania. A city not far from the Lithuanian city called Ponoviz.
Rabbi Leib Forer reached the shores of america in 1927. The Jewish Media as few as existed during the 1920's welcomed him with proclamations from respected Rabbanim in the united states.

At the tender age of 14, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Forer was sent to learn at the yeshiva of Cordon headed by the Great Scholar, Rav Shimon Shkop,ob'm Rav YD Halevi soloveitchik, ob'm told Rabbi Leib Tropper that when Rabbi Yehuda Leib Forer was fifteen years of age, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Forer went to learn in the spiritual paradise
of the Torah world known as Volozin. He was the study partner of the genius of maitzt, Ob'm and of Rav Moshe Soloveitchik, ob'm the Son of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik. This latter partnership was set up by Rav Chaim himself.

Rav Yehuda Tropper, the father of Rabbi Leib Tropper told his son that Rav Shimon Shkop, who Loved Rabbi Leib Forer dearly, had an idea for Rabbi Yehuda Leib. He introduced a young lady by the name of Chaya Menucha Musha Gefen, ob'm to Rabbi Yehuda Leib. The proposed young lady was a descendant of the Torah Sage blessed with one of the sharpest minds, named R' Moshe Charif, ob'm which means R' Moshe the sharp one.

Rav Moshe Charif, ob'm was very close to R' Akiva Eiger,ob'm. Soon after Rabbi Forer's arrival to America, he was invited to become the Rabbi of Holyoke. He did not have much income, so although Holyoke was not his dream job, he accepted the position. Rabbi Leib Tropper heard from Rav Henkin,ob'm that R' Akiva Eiger would address R' moshe charif as "My student, My Friend The Torah giant ,R' Moshe".


Leib Tropper Advisory Committee 2013

Recently , Rabbi Leib Tropper was invited to participate in an advisory committee for a group that is called 'Time for compassion' headed by Jewish leaders and professionals.The Meeting was held not far from Washington D.C.

Most of those invited shared their concerns about the deficit in compassion that is prevalent in our jewish society. Orthodox and all.

Rabbi Leib Tropper spoke about Compassion as the ultimate emulation of G'D as the Talmud writes in Tractate Shabbat. Rabbi Leib Tropper believes that no ONE could feel another's pain enough. However one can have enough compassion for other people's burden sufficient to be inspired to share another's burden.

Rabbi Leib Tropper quoted R.D. Laing ,the noted psychiatrist, who writes in his book 'the divided self' the following : "I can experience you experiencing me, you can experience me  experiencing you, BUT I can never experience you....and you can never experience me..."

This illuminating insight brought a round of applause from all participants.


Leib Tropper Lectures 2013

Rabbi Leib Tropper spoke this week in a Synagogue in upstate New york regarding what Philosopher Raymond Belliotti Terms "Posthumous harm"

Rabbi Leib Tropper opened his lecture by sharing the Halachic perspective as described in the Book of the Great Chofetz Chaim, that there is a ban issued by the earlier gaonim against speaking negatively about the deceased.

That is undoubtedly "Posthumous harm" for a number of reasons. However, the revulsion against this harmful speech is highlighted by the inability of the attacked to respond.

Rabbi Leib Tropper continued by saying that Belliotti's book, titled 'Posthumous Harm', is a beautiful education about cultivating an ethic of lasting value. Many values benefit from reciprocity, but the value of refraining from denigrating remarks about the deceased is non reciprocal, hence, an ethic of lasting value.

Rabbi Leib Tropper pointed out that the Torah is replete with stories of doing kindness for the dead. In the Jewish religion, kindness for the dead is called " kindness
of truth", precisely because of the above mentioned.

The Vilna Gaon writes that what gives life existential meaning are acts of kindness to others.The author of the philosophical book "Purpose of love" decided that loving oneself is paramount and as important as loving others. Torah ethics says that, though it is quite important to love oneself, it does not endow one with existential meaning, hence, not as significant as loving others, even the deceased.

The noted author, Karen Armstrong wrote a book '12 steps to compassion' . She also established a prize winning group 'Charter for compassion'.
